Progress Update 8: Oops, I’ve lost count.

Ok readers so it looks like this closet journey is going to be a long one. I apologize to anyone that came to my page hoping to get the Cole’s Notes of decluttering a massive closet. This is instead a girl’s very long and stumbling journey of trying desperately not to be a ridiculous clothing hoarder masquerading as a minimalist closet blogger. There have been a few roadblocks and a few revelations. The first being that including a count and keeping track of all my underwear, socks, shoes and accessories was ambitious. The second being that I was hoping my style wouldn’t change over the span of a year and SURPRISE, SURPRISE… it did.

What used to be a love of a “pop of colour” and “I don’t want to be a stick of butter” has become GIMME ALL THE CREAMS AND BEIGE TONES AND COLOURS MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I’M THREE.

I also realized this year that I have a massive incohesive summer closet with barely any time to wear it. So my collection of about 10 pairs of shorts got about 20% used and there were dresses galore that I love but never found an opportunity to wear. I also have an unsettling complex where I hate how T-shirts look on me. I am girl, hear me roar.

So what does this all mean for my journey?

Well firstly, Poshmark has started to pick up again. People are buying my shit again so that has given me more motivation to let go of things that I don’t wear. I’m trying to be more honest with my style and what looks good on me in reality and not just in theory. I’ve been meticulously documenting (this will be featured in another post) what I’ve worn over the past 1 yr and 3 months and analyzing the data to better understand what the reality of my life looks like.

At the end of this year I plan to do another recount of my closet and this time separate socks, underwear, and accessories from the total count to see where I’m at. Maybe I unknowingly had over 200 pairs of socks and underwear so really I’m super close to my closet goal of 2021??? A girl can dream right?

Oh yeah and I am at a baby making age and have to consider that in a few years my pants won’t and may never fit me again. Future Pat problem, but also incentive to not spend tons of money on things that may not fit me in a year or two.

Ok end ramble.

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